Top Mistakes That Threaten a Marriage-Based Visa/Green Card Holder


Lawful immigrants account for three-quarters of the foreign-born population in the United States. And while there are a number of ways to become a legal citizen, many do so by obtaining a green card or visa through marriage. If you have or are working toward getting a marriage based visa or green card, you should be aware that there are a number of mistakes that can slow the process or make it impossible altogether. Here are just a few mistakes that can threaten the validity of any marriage based visa or green card holder.

immigration lawyer in pasadenaLawful immigrants account for three-quarters of the foreign-born population in the United States. And while there are a number of ways to become a legal citizen, many do so by obtaining a green card or visa through marriage. If you have or are working toward getting a marriage based visa or green card, you should be aware that there are a number of mistakes that can slow the process or make it impossible altogether. Here are just a few mistakes that can threaten the validity of any marriage based visa or green card holder.

Not entering into a legally valid marriage.

An immigration lawyer in Pasadena can help you avoid this mistake, but to put it simply, those who are seeking a marriage based visa or green card must not be legally wed in a previous marriage. If you were in a previous marriage, you’ll have to provide proof that the marriage came to a legal end in the eyes of the law. If you don’t include this proof with your application, it could significantly delay the approval process and even put you at the end of the line at the USCIS. Of course, it’s important to follow state laws as well after entering your legal marriage.

“You must be legally married under the laws and customs of the state or country in which you were married. If, for example, your state or country prohibits marriage between certain blood relations or between an underage person and another, you’ll need to make sure your marriage does not violate these rules,” writes Ilona Bray on AllLaw.

Not proving that you have plenty of financial support.

Not everybody is aware of this fact, but immigration laws are intended to prohibit those from getting visas who are likely to need public assistance or welfare. As a result, the U.S. citizen spouse needs to file a specific form — an Affidavit of Support on Form I-864 — which states that the spouse will provide any financial support for a certain number of years if the immigrant fails to do so. You’ll have to prove that the household is living at a level that’s at least 125% of the U.S. Poverty Guidelines or else your application will be denied.

Ultimately, these mistakes can hold you back from getting approved for a marriage based visa or green card. For more information about how to find a good immigration lawyer in Pasadena, contact Reeves Immigration Law Group.


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