Border Arrests at a Low for Biden Administration

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reports showed arrests for illegal border crossing plummeted by 29% in June 2024 from May 2024 to a total of 83,536. This number is the lowest record of the Biden administration’s term thus far. 

The decline in illegal border crossings is seemingly due to the increase in recent border security measures. The Biden administration recently enacted an Executive Order “suspending entry” of non-citizens crossing the border illegally and barring them from claiming asylum. CBP  announced that over 70,000 individuals have been returned to 170+ countries since the executive order was announced last month, making 2024 the year of highest removals and returns since 2010.

These federal measures coupled with other local measures have been rapidly unfolding in an attempt to combat the rise in border crossings.

Connect with a California Immigration Attorney Today

With the recent asylum restrictions and other measures unfolding, it is strongly recommended to consult an immigration lawyer to determine your rights and the immigration avenues available to you. 

At Reeves Immigration Law Group, we take pride in ensuring an experienced California immigration lawyer guides you through the immigration process. We understand the stress of family separation and asylum proceedings, and we strive to do everything we can to grant each individual, including minors, a successful entry into the United States.

Fill out our contact form today to discuss your family’s immigration needs with a California immigration lawyer.


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