Florida SB 1718 Goes Into Effect on July 1, 2023

Florida has passed Senate Bill 1718 which will heavily impact the State’s immigration. Some of the outlined provisions include:

  • invalidation of driver’s licenses and identification cards issued to “unauthorized immigrants” by other states
  • limiting social services for undocumented immigrants
  • requiring Medicaid hospitals to request a patient’s immigration status
  • allocation of additional funds to DeSantis’ migrant relocation program
  • implementation of felony charges for “smuggling”
  • enforcement of additional penalties for businesses that violate employment mandates

Senate Bill 1718 will go into effect on July 1, 2023.

Employment-Based Immigration Mandates

One of the most significant aspects of Florida SB 1718 is the crackdown on employers hiring undocumented immigrants. The legislation requires businesses with over 25 employees to use the E-Verify system on new hires. Already facing statewide labor shortages, this can significantly impact the workforce, especially in the agriculture, hospitality, and construction sectors.

Businesses failing to comply with the E-Verify requirement could face fines of $1,000 daily. Undocumented workers can now face felony charges for the use of a fake identification card for employment.

In response, many businesses statewide are threatening to boycott services in response to the legislation.

Employment-Based Immigration Attorney

Florida SB 1718 could be detrimental to immigrants across the nation. Those who are contemplating relocation to Florida or another state with similar legislation may want to consider how this could impact them.

Reeves Immigration Law Group is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others. Our team of employment-based immigration lawyers regularly advise individuals on the right immigration paths given their circumstances. We are up to date with the latest federal and California legislation, allowing us to provide a nuanced approach to your immigration needs whether it is filing for a visa, or getting citizenship.

Our employment-based immigration lawyers have successfully navigated a wide array of matters and will do everything in their power to help you achieve the same. Contact us today to express any concerns you may have over your status.


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