Immigration Enforcement Guidelines Revived in Supreme Court Ruling

On June 23, 2023, the Supreme Court revived the Biden administration’s immigration enforcement guidelines.

The 2021 memo prioritizes which noncitizens to deport (rather than detain), focusing on individuals with serious criminal convictions, those deemed a national security threat, and those who recently entered the country illegally. It also protected undocumented citizens who lived in the U.S. for years if those individuals did not have a serious criminal record. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents were granted discretion on these deportations given the limited resources available.

In 2021, Texas and Louisiana sued in an attempt to block the guidelines in the United States. v. Texas. The lawsuit cited that the guidelines would impose burdens on the justice system, raising concerns about whether federal law granted Biden the discretion to choose enforcement targets.

The recent 8-1 Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Biden administration may have a bearing on further precedent regarding a state’s rights to sue a presidential administration over federal policies.

Speak to an Immigration Lawyer Today

This ruling is monumental in continuing the protection of longstanding undocumented individuals residing in the United States. However, it does not guarantee the protection of immigrants, making it of the utmost importance to consult with an immigration lawyer you can trust.

Reeves Immigration Law Group has over four decades of experience defending individuals facing detention and deportation. Our team of immigration lawyers is well-versed in the latest policies and legislations, allowing us to provide personalized and well-informed approaches to any immigration need.

If you would like to discuss how this ruling may impact your status, or any related concerns, fill out our contact form today.


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