Tag: ice

Latest Immigration News

It has been another week filled with news stories about immigration. Here are some of the things immigration lawyers and advocates are talking about. -17th immigrant dies in ICE custody. Only 8 died all of last year. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/17th-immigrant-dies-ice-custody-twice-many-last-fiscal-year-n1236152 -Is President Trump trying to further limit immigration by calling it “merit-based” immigration reform? https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2020/08/06/h-1b-visas-and-trumps-next-merit-based-immigration-plan/#64af69bc79bd -Make sure … Continued

ICE Raids – Will I Be Arrested Next?

Immigrant communities across the nation are terrified about an ICE raid coming to their neighborhood. These raids, conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, include federal officers arresting undocumented immigrants who do not have permission to reside in the United States.

ICE Raids Causing Panic In Immigrant Communities – Is There A Solution?

In recent weeks Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has carried out targeted raids nationwide as part of their efforts to deport undocumented immigrants. These raids have occurred in California and Florida and many places in between. These raids have resulted in the break-up of families, individuals losing their jobs, and countless people scared to leave their homes and lead their normal lives.

DACA is Ending

As anticipated, the Trump Administration, through Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced today the end of the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (commonly known as “DACA”) program with a six-month delay for enactment. The delay is to allow Congress to enact legislation that will address the immigration status of those currently in the DACA program. Whether Congress will take any steps in this regard and, if so, what steps they will be are questions to which no one has answers right now.

Trump, the Executive Orders & You!

Exactly one week after his inauguration, President Trump signed an executive order which banned entry of noncitizens from seven Muslim-majority countries, halted U.S. refugee admissions, and suspended the nonimmigrant visa interview waiver program. Signed on January 27, 2017, the executive order seeks to protect the nation from entry of foreign terrorists, but consequently led to a series of nationwide protests, Constitutional challenges, and agency confusion at ports of entry and with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

There May Be A Solution For Immigrants Despite Travel Bans and Raids

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has refused to reinstate President Trump’s ban on refugees and citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.  Therefore, refugees and citizens of these countries will continue to be admitted to the U.S. for now.  This is not a final decision on whether President Trump’s Executive Order was lawful, but rather simply a decision that prohibits President Trump’s administration from enforcing the travel ban until after the courts have ruled on whether the Executive Order itself is lawful.

Staying Removal After A Final Order of Deportation

Listening to a judge order you removed from the United States is devastating.  But the full impact comes later, after the shock wears off.  Once the removal order becomes final, Immigration & Customs Enforcement “ICE” can take steps to execute the order. It may issue a “bag and baggage” letter instructing the noncitizen to report to ICE ready for their deportation.  Or, ICE agents may appear at the individual’s residence or place of employment and take the person into custody.  However, there is hope for individuals facing removal.