The Immigration Experts


This Sunday marks the conclusion of Season One of Reeves & Associates’ educational television program, “The Immigration Experts.” “The Immigration Experts” was conceived as an informative program which sought to give viewers down to earth practical immigration advice, approaches and tips. The show offered an up-close and personal view inside Reeves & Associates four offices, including in-person interviews with the firm’s partners. The program takes viewers inside the halls and minds of one of America’s most respected immigration law firms and gives viewers a glimpse of what makes Reeves & Associates’ representation extraordinary. Judging by the response from followers and friends alike, the program was successful.

By Attorneys Robert L. Reeves and Jeff L. Khurgel

This Sunday marks the conclusion of Season One of Reeves & Associates’ educational television program, “The Immigration Experts.” “The Immigration Experts” was conceived as an informative program which sought to give viewers down to earth practical immigration advice, approaches and tips. The show offered an up-close and personal view inside Reeves & Associates four offices, including in-person interviews with the firm’s partners. The program takes viewers inside the halls and minds of one of America’s most respected immigration law firms and gives viewers a glimpse of what makes Reeves & Associates’ representation extraordinary. Judging by the response from followers and friends alike, the program was successful.

The format of the shows included sit-down interviews, hosted by Filipino-American actor Troy Montero, as well as informative graphics and documentary footage of Reeves & Associates’ attorneys in action. Troy Montero, an individual with family roots on both sides of the Pacific, is keenly aware of the issues and tribulations facing immigrants in the U.S. Troy’s pleasant demeanor and probing questions made for an entertaining and educational viewing experience. The practice of immigration law is exceedingly complex, encompassing numerous distinct areas of the law. Family reunification and deportation, business and employment immigration, and immigrant investors, make up the main practice areas of immigration law. “The Immigration Experts” was intended to give a no-nonsense look at the firm that seamlessly represents clients in these various areas.

Season one commenced with the firm’s founder, Attorney Robert Reeves, taking viewers inside the firm’s offices, noting the ways in which Reeves & Associates provides its clients with expert representation while remaining cost-effective. Mr. Reeves provided insight on visa approval strategies at the U.S. Embassy in Manila, and a discussion of how the firm’s Manila office is instrumental in putting together a strong visa application.

The Los Angeles Office of Reeves & Associates was the setting for an episode with Attorney Nancy Miller who discussed possible remedies for individuals who are in the U.S. and have failed to maintain a valid immigration status. Ms. Miller discussed options for legally staying in the U.S. despite falling out of status and facing deportation proceedings. Ms. Miller also discussed Mandamus court relief for clients with long delayed applications. Further delving into possible forms of relief when faced with Deportation proceedings was Reeves & Associates partner Attorney Jeremiah Johnson. In a frank discussion with Troy, Mr. Johnson relayed the options for defense when an immigrant is faced with deportation proceedings, including those faced with past fraud and/or misrepresentations.

In another episode, Troy engaged Reeves & Associates partner Attorney Joseph Elias in an in-depth discussion about options for investors wanting to immigrate to the U.S. With surging international markets and a relatively low value for the U.S. dollar, investor visas are a hot topic in immigration law that many aspiring immigrants want to be aware of. Mr. Elias also discussed options for healthcare professionals wanting to immigrate to the U.S., including nurses, physical therapists and others, whose services will surely be needed in coming years in the U.S.

At Reeves & Associates’ San Francisco Office, Attorney Flomy Diza discussed common pitfalls and safeguards to observe when seeking to help one’s fiancé(e) immigrate to the U.S. This multi-step process involves the evaluation and legal briefing of eligibility, preparation at Reeves & Associates Manila Office for the in-person Embassy interviews, and possibly following up with the Embassy thereafter. A similar process was discussed by Attorney Jeff Khurgel, who instructed viewers on the steps involved in immigrant visa processing for spouses. Mr. Khurgel went a step further to discuss what an immigrant needs to do when his or her Green Card is only conditional, and the severe consequences for failing to properly remove one’s conditions.

The various steps of the H-1B visa and status were discussed by Reeves & Associates’ partner Attorney May Zhang. This temporary visa is the workhorse of the U.S. work visa system, allowing certain professionals working in a specialty occupation to remain in the U.S., in a legal employment status, for up to three years at a time. Ms. Zhang explained the various facets of H-1B status, and provided viewers with important qualifying information that both employers and H-1B employees need to know.

The Immigration Experts has been viewed worldwide on television and over the internet. In viewing the episodes, Reeves & Associates hopes that they have provided real-life solutions and an explanation that viewers can relate to. A country built by immigrants, the U.S. is now experiencing a very difficult time in our immigration history. Long immigration backlogs resulting in long waits for many aspiring immigrants, high deportation quotas targeting immigrants, and difficult embassy processing has made immigration very difficult in our day and age. With the Immigration Experts, the viewer can become well informed about  immigration laws and procedure. Season one episodes are available for viewing at


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