From Fraud to Forgiven – U.S. Citizenship After Marriage Fraud


Marrying a U.S. citizen solely for a green card is clearly against the law. But with the right lawyer, it may still be possible to become a U.S. citizen even after admitting that you obtained your green card through a fraudulent marriage.

How far would you go to help your family? Would you be willing to cross an ocean? Or perhaps even invent a new life for yourself, just to get a green card and become a permanent resident of the United States?

This was the case for Juan*, a client of Reeves Immigration Law Group who fraudulently obtained a green card for the greater good of his family. Juan was born in Cambodia, and he assumed he would live there for his entire life. But he started dreaming of moving to the United States a few months after his parents immigrated to America.

Juan’s parents started experiencing challenges almost immediately after immigrating to the United States. Adjusting to American life was not easy for them in the least. They were struggling to perform routine tasks such grocery shopping, laundry, and making food. And it was nearly impossible for them attend doctor’s appointments, stay current with their medications, and obtain a California identification card and social security card. Juan’s parents were also both battling health issues, which only made things even harder for them. Juan knew his parents needed help since they had limited family in the U.S., were not familiar with the language and culture, etc. But what could he do to help? He was on the other side of the world in Cambodia.

Then Juan had an idea that he thought could help his parents, though he knew it was a terrible idea. In his desperation to leave Cambodia and help his parents in the United States, Juan paid a U.S. citizen to marry him. Juan tried to convince himself that it was a noble attempt to help his parents, but he also knew it was illegal. Nevertheless, Juan exhausted financial and emotional resources to get married and obtain his green card for the sake of his loved ones.

Juan’s plan was initially successful as he was able to immigrate to the U.S. and join his parents. However, shortly thereafter, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services discovered the circumstances of Juan’s marriage. They correctly stated that it was a fraudulent marriage due to the payment and Juan entering into the marriage solely for a green card. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security then began the process of deporting him back to Cambodia.

Juan was terrified that he would have to leave behind his parents and his new life in America and return to Cambodia. Juan knew he was in desperate need of an advocate. He reached out to Reeves Immigration Law Group and spoke with Attorney Devin Connolly, who is the Managing Partner of the firm. Attorney Connolly worked relentlessly on Juan’s behalf.

Attorney Connolly was compassionate with the measures Juan took in order to get his green card, but he also knew that Juan’s nobility had gotten the best of him. Attorney Connolly told Juan that he would help him apply for a waiver under Section 237(a)(1)(H) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This waiver, if granted, would forgive Juan for his prior fraud and allow him to keep his green card, and even apply for U.S. citizenship.

Attorney Connolly tirelessly fought for Juan in Immigration Court. He argued that Juan was not simply a careless, dishonest man in search of an easy entry into the, but rather, a dedicated son who was willing to do absolutely anything to ensure that his parents were provided for. Attorney Connolly acknowledged that Juan made a serious mistake, but he also said that it was important to see the bigger picture here and not just focus on his mistake. Attorney Connolly was able to make Juan’s case so compelling that it was next to impossible to lack empathy for his situation.

With hard work and dedication, Attorney Connolly was able to help Juan get his waiver. Juan’s fraud was now forgiven, he was able to keep his green card, and U.S. citizenship awaits.

*Please note that we used a pseudonym to protect our client’s privacy.


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