Rise in Chinese Asylum Seekers

Panamanian immigration authorities have reported a rise in Chinese migration over the last nine months as these individuals continue to cross the Darién Gap in hopes of entering the U.S. The rise in Chinese asylum seekers seems to be due to concerns surrounding the country’s political and economic climate, coupled with a reduction of COVID-induced border control which halted migration.

Approximately 22,187 Chinese migrants were arrested between January and September of 2023 for illegal crossing of the U.S.-Mexico border. While crossing through Ecuador (which has no visa requirements) is a populated route, some individuals are flying and crossing through several Central American countries. Most of these arrivals are seen in California.

Chinese Immigration Attorneys in California

Chinese immigrants seeking asylum in the United States should consider consulting a California immigration attorney before attempting to cross the border. Illegal border crossings can have a detrimental impact on one’s ability to apply for visas, asylum, permanent residency, citizenship, and any other statuses.

Reeves Immigration Law Group works with immigrants from a large breadth of countries, including China, to determine the best options given U.S. legislation surrounding their native country. Our team of asylum attorneys is highly skilled and up to date with the latest regulations allowing us to provide results-oriented guidance.

To schedule a consultation with one of our Chinese immigration attorneys in California, fill out our contact form.


Los Angeles

(626) 795-6777

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(415) 568-3777


(925) 310-5080


+011 (63) 917-622-2971


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