Temporary Legal Status Granted to Over 300,000 Immigrants

On June 13, 2023, the Biden administration announced its extension of temporary legal status to approximately 337,000 immigrants from the home countries of Honduras, Nepal, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. This decision will allow selected immigrants to live and work in the United States under the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program.

The announcement stems from years of targeting under the Trump administration which attempted to end the TPS programs in its efforts to tighter border restrictions. Biden’s decision will reverse the decision of its predecessor and allow TPS holders to remain in the country for an additional 18 months. Note, this does not apply to new arrivals.

TPS Program

Under the TPS program, federal officials are permitted to grant work authorization and deportation relief to migrants whose home countries are classified as unsafe. Some conditions may include:

  • War
  • Environmental disasters
  • Epidemics
  • Other extraordinary and temporary circumstances

The TPS program is temporary, permitting individuals to live and work in the U.S. for up to eighteen months. This timeline can be extended indefinitely by the federal government.

Talk to A California Immigration Lawyer About TPS Options

This decision is significant for thousands of individuals currently residing in the United States. While the extension of temporary stay is life-changing for many, it is important to continue to look ahead for life after the 18 months. In some cases, this may mean using the TPS program as a pathway for a green card.

Reeves Immigration Law Group has over four decades of experience in providing creative immigration solutions to individuals and their families. Our team of California immigration lawyers are highly applauded for their compassionate and personalized approach to the toughest of situations.

Let us be by your side in these unprecedented times. Contact us today to speak to a California immigration lawyer on the TPS program and your available options moving forward.


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